Imperial Brands Half Year Results - May 2023

17 May 2023

Creating shareholder value - Imperial Brands (

Imperial Brands - AnnualReport

If you have a shareholder enquiry, please contact:

Registrars. Equiniti Limited Aspect House Lancing West Sussex BN99 6DA Tel: +44 371 384 2037* Tel: +44 121 415 7009 Tel: +44 371 384 2255* (text phone for shareholders with hearing difficulties) * Lines are open 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday excluding

We’re halfway through our five-year strategic plan, and on track to transform our business into one that can deliver growth year in, year out.

Read more about our progress in today’s half year results statement, where we also confirmed we are on track to deliver our guidance for the full year:

#ibex #espaƱa - Significantly Below Fair Value: DIA is trading below fair value by more than 20%. (DIA.MC)

 More Information on Western Gate Investment actions this week